The past is open in all ways. We wade into its murky banks, sinking our toes into its silt. We let its waters lap at our ankles, our knees, our waists, until we're carried along by an inevitable current.
The Passenger Pigeon's call once echoed along the banks of the so-called "Pigeon River" in North Carolina. During their annual migration, they would flock in massive murmurations, their bodies nesting snugly into the boughs of American Chestnuts.
The Smoky Mountains begin at the Pigeon River, stretching along its banks until reaching the Little Tennessee River, snaking from Mount Chapman to Tricorner Knob to Shuckstack. They rise out of a wild past, out of salamanders and black bears, out of limestone and schist.SCROLL ▼ -
▲ Hiking ClubLaura wanted to see Grandaddy’s grave, so Billy drove us to Circle Cemetery. We’d never been to Briceville. Mama left the day Grandaddy died, and by the time Laura and I were born, she was living in Nashville, so far from the coal mining life she’d been born to that she couldn’t see why we were curious about it. Our dad’s folks were mean. …
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▲ SMHC on Cheoah BaldYou say you wished it was a snake that bit him. I wish it was a snake that had bitten him. Wasn’t no act of the judicious serpent, hun. Just a tiny little tick taking a tiny hungry bite. It’s one out of a billion other impulse functions reverberating across this great ecological cosmos every minute. Maybe the tick is …Read More ►
▲ Mountain LandscapeEdited by Jonathan Felt Swift Editor’s Preface Entries span March 27, 1938, to November 12, 1941, and thematically can be divided into three developmental periods, namely of Howell’s fancy, disillusionment, and integration. In the first two months of the record, comprising some six entries, Howell is romantic. Work, love, social life, recreation, and philosophy …Read More ►
▲ Hoar Frost at Collins GapThe camera eye closing some four thousand Sundays ago in on unremarkable husks of wild carrot or possibly yarrow that the hoar frost in veiling unveiled. It’s unromantic but their union was weather, unwilled conditions, one cold form sparking another. As I think of witness, of being the witness’s witness, braiding time, I see …Read More ►
▲ Duth Roth Up a TreeA man I knew, wanting to understand how it felt to be a waterfall, climbed over granite and held himself where spring melt spilled over rock and crashed into a pool below. He must’ve been strong to hold on for so long, I thought as a boy. Now, I think it’s strange he imagined the waterfall as only its verge, gravity’s pull but never its crash. A waterfall is …Read More ►
▲ Helen [Norship] Sitting Among WildflowersIn my play wet plums daisy chains my longing into the wide azure defender backdrop sunned granite broken rocks the fortitude of youth arms wide circle circle circle me once more before you go.Read More ►
▲ Shelter on Appalachian Trailand I’ll be waxwing . . . — William Woolfitt Your name like the wild strawberry seed behind my first fang & its green bone shedding hides in the roots. I have at night sometimes asked to say it the one breath in this cold that might cover me until the rhododendron return to hold the stars up. After the morning shawl hems the shadow of …Read More ►