He Was A Friend of Mine (Ronk's Version): and Still the Cackle of His Laugh Echoes
From above, I see him.
No tricks
I know what he’s up to, I think.
In his hand, between thumb, pointer, and middle, a piece of charcoal.
Scribing rocky surface.
Shards pop every which way.
That surface is me,
But I can’t make it out.
Erik: What are you writing?
He looks at me, smirks.
GOD: I could ask you the same thing.
Erik: What? You mean right now? These words? I write to connect, aren’t you all-seeing, aren’t you the light?
He ponders my question
GOD: I shouldn’t be, I can’t tell.
His eyes wander
Erik: Oh, well, you must be, I know that knowing is beside the point.
GOD: What do you mean? You confuse me.
Erik: Well . . . it’s just that . . . How about this?
I walk over to the stick of charcoal, like a column in Egypt. Grabbing it as best I can, I walk it towards me and then some, to my left, towards him, and last to my right, I’ve made a rectangle. As I finish, the space inside cuts downwards, going till I can’t see its end. GOD reaches his hand in, hits the bottom.
GOD: Hmmmmm, is that so?
He is smiling.
Suddenly, great facial contortions, tongue stabbed out, acting like the hole pains him, pauses, smiles again. I laugh, we have a moment, it’s special. He pulls the hand back out, completely mutilated. I jump back in terror, in one reality, it’s cut horizontally, from the second digit of the thumb up, there is nothing. In another, cut vertically, between middle and fourth, to where palms press. In one, a fingerless member shakes, laughter, sputtering. In another, peels like a banana, down each end, red sprays as muscle and bone snap. I don’t enjoy either one a bit. Me: Come on, please, that’s nasty.
GOD shoots up an eyebrow, hands thrown up
GOD: What were you expecting?! Have a laugh! You know, Dune, the box of pain?! Come on . . . funEEEE!
It has changed again, now both hands carry either atrocity.
His hands come down to his sides
GOD: Take a bite out of enough mystery unknown, you know, and at some point, it’ll bite back, my friend.
Erik: I’m not your friend, buddy. GOD: Well I’m not your buddy, friend. We scowl at each other.
A bright shine lingers between us. Erik: Like this, it could go on forever. GOD: Oftentimes dear Erik
It does. :’’)